
fru·gal: (adjective) economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful.
frab·jous: (adjective) wonderful, elegant, superb, or delicious.


getting ready.

paycheck still hasn't come in, but i'm getting ready for when it does.

i haven't done any major grocery shopping in awhile; first we moved, then we visited my parents' house, then...well, we had no money. but later this week, that will change. and when it does, i want to be ready to spend my grocery money in the most frugal way possible.

i am starting a price book, modeled after the one that amy dacyczyn lays out in the complete tightwad gazette. The Complete Tightwad Gazette (i love love love this book...bought it off the bargain book rack at barnes & noble when i was in college.) i've always been intimidated by some of amy's more in-depth math...i'm terrible at math. but who cares? a price book is math i can handle, and i'm at the point where i'm ready to take that on.

i also downloaded a new app on my iphone for tracking my spending. it's called money smart, and not only does it let me balance my accounts, i can also use it to keep track of my bills and track exactly where my money goes. i can create my own categories to track my purchases. it's really useful, and i'm enjoying it.

in addition to money smart, i also downloaded an app called debt tracker. this app lets me keep track of every debt i have and set up a repayment plan based on dave ramsey's snowball method. i haven't been brave enough to lay out all of my debts in this one yet. but i will.

creditors are calling incessantly, because i am late in paying them. man, i can't wait to get caught up on all my bills and not be behind ever, ever again. and then i can't wait to be out of debt and never, ever be in it again. that's a long way off, but a girl can dream.

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